CROWDCONSULTANTS rank among the best consultants according to Top Consultant 2019 evaluation

The underlying scientific study proves that The CROWDCONSULTANTS work and advise differently than classical management or staff consultancy firms and convince with higher competence, seriousness and customer satisfaction than other excellent companies.
Berlin/Frankfurt, 01.07.2019 – “We are delighted about the award as a top consultant in particular because it confirms that, despite our differences, we are among the best of the best,” stated CROWDCONSULTANTS Managing Director Damiano Albrecht on the occasion of the award ceremony at the Mittelstands-Summit in Frankfurt am Main by former Federal President Christian Wulff.
Consultants are younger and more competent
With an average age of 35, CROWDCONSULTANTS consultants are significantly younger than traditional consultants. At the same time, they have more professional experience as they work in cross-generational teams of former top managers and digital natives. The managers understand the situation and requirements of their clients from their own experience and the Digital Natives have the latest methods and tools. Together, they develop better solutions for their clients. These competencies and the seriousness of the individual experts are rated above average by the CROWDCONSULTANTS customers in a comparison of consultants and lead to a very high level of customer satisfaction.
Lower daily rates thanks to digital infrastructure
The CROWDCONSULTANTS employ a quarter less administrative staff than other consulting firms and the proportion of freelance consultants is more than twice as high at 44 percent. This is part of the concept: For each project, CROWDCONSULTANTS select suitable experts from their own network. In addition, the company relies on the principles of the Sharing Economy. There is no central company headquarters or expensive infrastructure, but the consultants work digitally from the home office, in coworking spaces or at the customer’s premises. The study of the top consultant initiators confirms: The low fixed costs enable an average daily rate that is a third lower than that of competitors.
Greater customer benefit through difference
However, the CROWDCONSULTANTS only score averagely on one point: “We’re happy that we don’t perform excellently in the category ‘similarity’ of all things, because our motto is work different,” Albrecht comments on the result. “Scientific studies prove that diverse teams are more successful. With our differences, we bring this diversity to companies.”
The CROWDCONSULTANTS are a network of independent experts and advise their clients in cross-generational teams of former top managers and digital natives. They accompany the transformation of companies, no matter if it is about digitization, new working environments, reorganizations or exponential growth. The network differs from traditional consulting firms above all in its reliance on cross-generational teams, crowdsourcing, the principles of sharing economy and fun at work.
About the consultant comparison TOP CONSULTANT
For the tenth time, compamedia honors the best consultants for German SMEs with the TOP CONSULTANT competition. The awards primarily go to management, IT and personnel consultancies. The core of the study is a survey among reference customers of the participating companies by the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink and Bianka Knoblach, which was designed in accordance with scientific standards. The award is important guidance for companies in their search for consultants.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:
Peter Bachsleitner, Managing Partner of CROWDCONSULTANTS
Telefon: +49 151 16323946